Friday 12 February 2016

Churros, chocolate ...... and donkeys

We just had 3 fun filled days with my daughter, Georgina & her best mate, Romany escaping from the London wind & rain; so we wanted to make sure they had a great time.

It started with the obligatory bike ride along the passeo.  George had not ridden a bike for about 10 years but with one push start from Marty she was up and away, positively flying!

Another day we took to the mountains again but this time to the practically perfect pueblo blanco of Mijas.  Both George & Romany are into sugar free and healthy eating these days but the local favourite of churros & chocolate was too much to resist, especially on holiday.


The town was just as pretty as we remembered it but does feel a bit Disneyfied, like a film set created for tourists.

However, the famous donkeys were mysteriously absent.  Used traditionally for all transportation in the hilly cobbled streets they have become one of the major tourist attractions.  But apparently animal welfare has now increased in awareness in Spain and the protection society has got on the case, so there may be no more donkey rides (I blame Sidmouth!). The girls had to make do with the statue version.

Of course we had to show them that Malaga (and the old folks) could be just as cool as London.  So Friday night was a night on the town.  Drinks at the infamous Los Gatos, followed by dinner amid the hustle & bustle of  El Pimpi , probably the oldest, best known and biggest restaurant in town, which was a great success.  We topped that with cocktails on the rooftop bar overlooking the Malaga nightime skyline.

We did find time to 'do' some of the more official sights including a rather windswept walk around the Alcazaba, the Moorish palace, a more modest version of the Granada Alhambra, but still quite amazing, with beautiful gardens and lots of photo opportunities!

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