Thursday 7 January 2016

It's raining sweets

Fiesta des tres reyes............ 5 January is a huge fiesta in Spain celebrating the coming of the 3 kings with gifts for Baby Jesus and traditionally children wait until then to get their Christmas presents, although Santa Claus and the 25th is confusing the issue these days.  But the 5th is a huge public holiday and we took the local bus into Malaga city centre to see the biggest and best parade ever.

Some ill-timed rain and cold wind did nothing to dampen the spirits of the  Malaguenos.  Amazing Christmas lights and a cavalcade of floats depicting both religious scenes and random Disney themes e.g. Frozen, paraded by, showering the crowds with sweets while the children tried to catch them with open carrier bags at the ready or in upturned umbrellas.

                        It was like being in a surreal hailstone storm of boiled candy!

What we didn't realise was that Spain was effectively closed for business the next day while everyone recovered.  It's back to normal now except that they haven't taken their Christmas decorations down -  and it's 22 degrees again and sunny - wrong in so many ways!

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